Three ways your dentist can make you look younger

For many people, a person’s smile is the first feature they say they notice in someone. Unfortunately, our teeth age just like the rest of our bodies, which means over time our once radiant smiles are not quite as shiny as they once were. But, the good news is, thanks to advances in modern technology, there are many treatments available in-office at your dentist to help restore your pearly whites to their original beauty.

Preventative care
You know the drill – brush after every meal, floss daily, and see your dentist every six months for a checkup. But, even the best preventative measures can’t battle the natural aging process on their own, which is where some of the advanced techniques offered by Jackson Dental come in.

Teeth naturally darken as we age. Using in-office teeth whitening procedures such as Zoom® whitening, we can help brighten discolored or stained teeth. The complete procedure takes about one hour, but a preliminary evaluation and teeth cleaning are recommended before the treatment.

Even if you start with perfectly straight teeth, something called mesial drift will cause them to shift over time. Not only are crowded teeth an instant giveaway of age, but they also increase the risk of tooth decay, premature tooth loss, and gum recession.

At Jackson Dental, we offer a few options for straightening teeth. For teeth that are crooked or misshapen or have gaps, stains, or chips, veneers might be an option. Veneers are custom-fitted shells that are applied and bonded to the front surfaces of your teeth to cosmetically correct teeth.

Another option for straightening teeth is Invisalign®. Invisalign® uses virtually invisible aligners to provide an alternative to metal braces and are custom-fit to each patient. Invisalign® allows our doctors to straighten teeth with a set of clear aligners without having to use metal brackets and wires.

Using a night guard 
While we sleep, we gnash and grind our teeth. A night guard can protect your teeth from this damage and keep your teeth looking more youthful. A lifetime of wearing a nightguard is similar to the effects of sunblock in this regard.

Whether your dental needs are aesthetic or functional, our restorative dentistry aims to get your smile back to its original beauty. Feel free to check out some of our before and after photos to see what may be possible for you then give us a call at 573-243-5200 to schedule a free consultation