Mouth Guards

Mouth Guards

Since school is rapidly approaching (sorry, kids!) that means so are school sports. As you prepare your child for a new sport or a new season of an old sport, we want to stress the importance of making a mouth guard a necessary part of your child’s uniform.

There are a few options for mouth guards. Generically sized mouth guards (also called stock mouth guards) can be found at sporting good stores, but the one-size-fits-all model can make it difficult to breathe and fit uncomfortably in your mouth. A Boil-and-Bite mouth guard is a thin piece of plastic, also available at a sporting goods store, that you can boil to soften and then shape around your child’s teeth.

The safest and most reliable option is to come in for a custom-made mouth guard. Investing in a mouth guard can save you the hassle and expenses later because they prevent a lot of different mouth injuries.

Mouth guards help you avoid chipped or broken teeth, nerve damage to a tooth, or even tooth loss. Even in non-contact sports, it’s important to have one to protect your lips, tongue, and soft tissues of your mouth. Physical injury is unexpected, so take pre-emptive precautions to save your teeth and smile.