Energy drinks and your teeth

If you have an athlete in your family, you no doubt have a lot of empty sports and energy drink bottles filling your trashcans each week. While many parents and kids think of sports drinks as a better alternative to soda, and in some ways they are, that’s not the case when it comes to teeth, especially adolescent teeth.

So why are energy and sports drinks bad for your teeth? Like soda, these drinks are very high in sugar plus they have high acidity levels both of which can cause irreversible erosion of tooth enamel. The loss of this enamel leaves teeth more susceptible to decay and sensitivity.

Like anything else, moderation is key when it comes to drinks such as Red Bull and Gatorade. Follow up drinking one with a glass of water and wait an hour after consuming one to brush your teeth. Not only do Gatorade and toothpaste taste gross together, but you also want to avoid spreading the sugar around in your mouth or further damaging softened enamel due to acid.

And of course, good oral hygiene is always key regardless of what you choose to drink. So brush and floss regularly and make a trip to Jackson Dental is on your schedule every six months. Call 573-243-5200 to schedule your next appointment!