Reasons you should visit the dentist

Life gets busy, and you may be tempted to cancel your upcoming dentist appointment. But here’s a few reasons why you should make visiting the dentist regularly a priority.  

Prevent problems before they happen 

It’s recommended that you visit the dentist at least twice a year. This way, the dentist can help identify signs of gum disease, cavities or tooth decay before they cause major problems for your oral health.  

Get advice for improving your oral hygiene 

The dentist is a great resource for all things oral health and hygiene. If you notice your mouth is dry or your gums are bleeding, the dentist can help guide you towards a possible solution. It could be as simple as flossing more or switching toothpastes. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!  

Check for signs of mouth cancer 

When you visit the dentist, they’ll be able to check your mouth for signs of cancer. This is one of the most important parts of a dental visit, as catching cancer early is vital to treating it! 

Get your teeth cleaned 

Dental hygienists are a vital part of your dentist appointment. They’ll brush and floss your teeth, removing plaque from all those areas you may have missed in your daily brushing.  

Take charge of your oral health and schedule your next dentist’s appointment. Call (573) 243-5200 or stop by our office at 3100 E Jackson Blvd., Jackson, Mo., to get scheduled!