Aging and oral health

As we age, our bodies change and so do our teeth. Aging is often linked to increased risk of gum disease, cavities, tooth decay, and other oral health issues. This makes it even more important to take proper care of your teeth, keep up with your brushing and flossing routine, and visit the dentist regularly.  

Here are the most common oral health problems associated with aging and ways to prevent them. 

Gum recession  

Gum tissue recession is a problem some people experience as they age. This could be the result of a lifetime of hard brushing or an indication of gum disease. When gums recede, the soft root tissue can become exposed, and it’s easier for bacteria to build up. The best way to prevent gum recession later in life is to brush and floss teeth regularly—and gently.  

Untreated tooth decay 

Teeth will remain strong for a lifetime if taken care of properly. However, tooth decay and loss are a lot more common in older adults due to an accumulation of lifestyle factors. Smoking, drinking, diet and exercise are all lifestyle factors that could contribute to tooth decay later in life. If you suspect tooth decay, it’s important to have it treated as soon as possible to avoid tooth loss!  

Gum disease 

According to the CDC, about 2 in 3 adults aged 65 years or older struggle with gum disease. Bleeding, swollen or inflamed gums are just a few symptoms of gum disease. The best way to prevent it is to take proper care of your teeth, maintain a healthy diet and visit the dentist regularly.  

Aging is a natural part of life. Make sure your teeth stay strong through the years by taking proper care of them. You can start by booking your next dentist’s appointment! Call (573) 243-5200 or stop by our office at 3100 E Jackson Blvd., Jackson, Mo., to get your appointment scheduled!