When should you replace your toothbrush?

When should you replace your toothbrush?

We’re guessing you don’t spend too much time thinking about your toothbrush. Sure, you know if you like hard or soft or if you prefer pink or blue, but can you remember the last time you replaced it? If it’s been awhile then you’ll definitely want to add a new one to your list for the next grocery store or Target run.

Adult toothbrushes should be replaced every 3-4 months or sooner if you’ve been sick. Children’s toothbrushes should be replaced every 1-2 months. This may seem like a short time, but your toothbrush is exposed to thousands of germs daily. Plus, once the bristles are frayed, the effectiveness of the brush tends to diminish. For some people, this is sooner than others due to their brushing habits.

You should always protect your toothbrush by not storing it in a closed container, rinsing it thoroughly after use and storing it in an upright position so the bristles can dry.