You just gotta smile

“I just like to smile! Smiling’s my favorite!”
– Buddy the Elf

December means Christmas movies and of course, this line from Elf is one of our favorites! Not only is smiling fun, but it can also have a positive effect on our overall health. So what exactly does smiling do?

It has a positive effect on the brain. Each time you smile, endorphins are released in your body. These feel-good transmitters help improve mood, reduce stress and increase productivity.

It’s contagious. Have you ever seen someone smile and not smiled back? It’s almost impossible! When you smile not only do you reap the benefits of your smile but you’re also helping pass those benefits on to others, which helps improve relationships – both personal and professional. Plus research shows that others view people as more attractive when they are smiling.

It’s good for your body. Stress can wreak havoc on a body. By staying positive and smiling as much as possible, you counteract the effects of stress on your body. Studies have shown smiling regularly helps lower blood pressure, improve your immune system and acts as a natural pain reliever.

If your smile isn’t making you happy, then it’s time to come see us at Jackson Dental. We offer cosmetic dentistry services such as Zoom Whitening, Veneers, Invisalign®, and gum reshaping and restorative dentistry services including dental implants and dentures.

At Jackson Dental, we want you to have a smile you are proud of and proud to show off. If you are ready for that too, give us a call today at 573-243-5200 to schedule a consultation.