Nobody likes toothaches. They can swiftly turn from an annoyance to a persistent pain, disrupting your routine and causing discomfort. Although there are many potential causes for toothaches, there are also some simple remedies — that could help ease the…
Tag: tooth pain
Signs of mouth cancer and early prevention
According to the American Cancer Society, 1 in 60 men, or 1 in 141 women will develop mouth cancer in their lifetime. This form of cancer is most likely to affect the tongue, the throat, gums and other parts of…
What’s causing your toothache?
Toothaches include any pain or irritation associated with your teeth. It might be your tooth, the roots or the gums surrounding your tooth that are causing the irritation. To evaluate the true cause of a toothache, it is best to…
What to do with a chipped or lose tooth
Nobody likes waking up from a vivid nightmare, especially if the nightmare involves suddenly losing all your teeth. According to the Sleep Foundation, about 39% of the population has experienced dreams of their teeth falling out, rotting or breaking. These…
What to do when your child has a toothache
For a parent, there are few things worse than seeing your child in pain. Unfortunately, getting to the root of what is exactly causing that pain can be difficult especially when it comes to tooth pain. To help figure it…
Stress and oral health
Headaches, stomachaches, and anxiety are just a few of the physical and emotional symptoms you may experience during stressful times. But, did you know that stress could also affect your mouth? Here are a few ways stress affects your oral…
How to tell if you have a tooth abscess
We’ve all done it – felt a tinge of tooth pain and thought to ourselves, “Oh, it’s nothing.” “I’ll have it looked at later.” But what if it is more? What if what you think is something minor such as…
Headaches and your mouth
If chronic headaches are keeping you from living your best life, there’s a chance your teeth could be to blame! Research has shown that some common dental issues such as bad bite, teeth grinding, Bruxism, and tooth decay can all…
Seasonal allergies and tooth pain
Spring is starting to make its appearance in Southeast Missouri. That means longer days, more sunshine and unfortunately for many – the return of pollen. If you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies, probably all…