Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad breath can be a real bummer. While there are lots of potential causes, here are 4 of the most common and what you can do about them.
  1. Food – The average person eats 8 times per day. Whether it be a snack or a large meal, this is 8 times a day for food to get caught in your teeth and coat your gums and tongue giving time for the food to break down and produce an unpleasant odor. Combat this problem by flossing and brushing after every meal or snack and making sure to drink lots of water while eating.
  2. Cavities – Our mouths are full of bacteria. If these bacteria have time to settle in our teeth, not only does it cause cavities but it also produces a terrible smell.
  3. Medications – Unfortunately bad breath is a side effect of certain medications especially those that cause dry mouth. Combat this by regularly keeping a sugar free candy nearby and drinking lots of water to produce saliva, which will help, cleanse the mouth and remove particles.
  4. Smoking – Not only do tobacco products cause an unpleasant mouth odor, but they can also cause gum disease that can cause bad breath as well.

If you suffer from bad breath, you don’t have to. Give us a call today to see how we can help you incorporate regular cleanings and good oral hygiene into your everyday life.