Giving back

Giving back

Normally we use the blog to share important dental related tips or information. And while dental care is our passion, so is giving back to the community in which we live. That’s why we are proud to support so many organizations over the course of the year.

Whether it’s sponsorship of another group’s event or an in-office special such as our teeth whitening special in February or the Veterans Day promotion in November, we understand the importance of helping others and encourage our patients to do the same.

Did you know studies show that people who donate and help others actually experience a “helper’s high” as the result of feel-good chemicals released by your brain? This is just one of the many benefits of helping others. Others include improved self-esteem, a feeling of thankfulness, inner peace and a change in attitude.

Good news is giving back doesn’t have to always be monetary. Volunteer time is just as important and can have the same lasting effect. So find a cause that matters to you and get involved. You’ll be amazed at how much you help yourself when you help others.